Participating in a global experience can help you acquire skills and perspectives that will help you grow as an individual and future professional. Step outside of your comfort zone and learn about other cultures, explore new ideas, and experience a different way of thinking. Before you choose a program, think about the type of experience you’d like to have. Do you want to go for a few weeks or a whole year? Do you want to go with a group or by yourself? What kind of classes do you want to choose from? Take a look at the Getting Started information on the International Center’s website to learn about all of your options. Then explore the exciting opportunities we offer in Beyond120 and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Go for a few weeks or a few months on a program with other UF students. Usually offered in the Summer.
Spend Fall, Spring or an academic year with one of our partner universities and pay UF tuition! Explore our many Beyond120 exchange programs.
Explore careers and gain valuable work experience while studying abroad.
Experience research in an international setting or learn about global issues by engaging with communities abroad.
Many scholarships and aid are available to make your global experience a reality.
Explore opportunities for working or earning a graduate degree abroad.