Welcome to UF’s Pre-Health Advising! We’re thrilled to have you here. The Pre-Health Advising Team operates on a flipped advising model, which encourages students to complete prior research on their desired health profession before booking an appointment. This aids students in being able to gather information independently and bring higher-level questions and concerns to their advising appointments.
Please utilize the following Pre-Health Profession Tiles to conduct further research based on your aspiring health profession(s). Each tile includes a wealth of resources regarding higher educational degrees, job descriptions, suggested timelines, extracurricular opportunities, application and notes, specialty programs, and additional resources.
Select from these options to learn more about Pre-Health advising opportunities.
Pre-Health Advising Appointments
Pre-health advising is currently being offered via in-person or Zoom, Monday through Friday by appointment only. Please see the top of the Pre-Health homepage for the most up-to-date advising information, as well as how to make an appointment. If you have Pre-Health specific questions, please connect with an advisor.
If you have general advising questions (i.e. major specific, minors, forms, holds, petitions, change of major, double major, etc.) you should see a general advisor in your college. You are expected to bring the Pre-Health Action Plan with you to any advising session where you may want to discuss your professional development or competitiveness.
Pre-Health Email Quick Question Advising
Pre-Health students with a quick, Pre-Health question may email the Pre-Health Advising Team at prehealth@advising.ufl.edu for assistance. Please note: if a student’s question requires more than 1-2 sentences of explanation of their issue, it is likely NOT a quick question and should instead be an appointment.
UF Alumni and Non-Traditional Student Appointments
Pre-Health Advising is pleased to offer appointments for alumni who received an undergraduate or graduate degree from UF or non-traditional students interested in returning to school to complete the pre-requisite courses for professional school application. Please make an appointment with Bobbi Knickerbocker via Outlook Bookings.
UF Honors Program Pre-Health Advising
Students in the UF Honors Program who wish to speak with Meredith Beaupre for pre-health advising can check the Honors Program website or schedule an appointment by clicking on the Advising Module in their Canvas cohort.
UF College of Health and Human Performance Advising – Health Education & Behavior Major
UF students interested in a pre-health major with a focus on health promotion in the College of Health and Human Performance may speak with Erica Alexander or Megan LeCorgne in the College of Health and Human Performance. Email heb-advising@hhp.ufl.edu. For more information, please visit http://hhp.ufl.edu/about/departments/heb/.
UF College of Public Health and Health Professions Advising
UF students interested in the UF College of Public Health and Health Professions may speak with Rob Doyle or Andrea Smith in the College of Public Health and Health Professions, email advising@phhp.ufl.edu. For more information, please visit https://undergrad.phhp.ufl.edu.
UF College of Veterinary Medicine Advising
UF students interested in the UF College of Veterinary Medicine may email the UF CVM Admissions team at studentservices@vetmed.ufl.edu with questions or call 352-294-8254.