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Academic Advising Center


Readmission applies to students who have previously attended the University of Florida as a degree seeking student. Former undergraduate students who do not enroll at the University for three consecutive terms (this includes summer terms) or are dismissed must apply for readmission. Please keep in mind that if you attended UF for a semester but then withdrew from that term, you are considered to have attended that semester so applying for readmission may not be necessary. When reviewing your readmission application, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) will take into consideration your academic history as well as your potential success in your selected major; however, readmission is based on availability and is not guaranteed.

There are three different categories of readmission in CLAS. Each category has different requirements for readmission as well as different application deadlines so please review the appropriate link in the navigation to the left for your individual situation. If you have additional questions, contact a CLAS academic advisor or email

Deficit Records at Other Institutions

Students with a deficit record (< 2.00) at their last school of attendance since leaving UF and will not be eligible for readmission to UF.

For additional information regarding University wide readmission policies refer to the UF Admissions Office website.